Call Me Kyrilla

Photo credit goes to Aris.

Hello It's Nice to Meet You

Hi there! I'm the writer behind Alfynette Triuesal@Diabolos, Bertana Coldren@Balmung, and Shishiki Shiki@Brynhildr, who are all FFXIV characters specifically used as roleplay alts. This is that typical OOC portion of the carrd.

I tend to go by Kyr, but calling me any variation of a character's name is fine as these accounts are RP alts. If you want to contact or find me on my main, it's Kyrilla Fray@Diabolos. If you know me from my main, none of this information should be new to you.I'm an experienced roleplayer and content completionist, though not necessarily on these characters (obviously).I average between 1-3 full chat posts in game, and prefer to use /em and /say for the full immersive experience. I'm fine with using /party if you prefer a more private exchange, and tend to reserve /tells for OOC (but I can scene there too as well). My reply times are notoriously slow, so please bear with me.Your basic standard RP disclaimer here that IC is not OOC. I'm not looking for any relationship beyond writing partners and hopefully friends. I am not my character and you are not yours. If something is done in roleplay that bothers you OOC, please discuss it with me. I can't fix anything that I don't know is wrong.All I expect from my roleplay partners is basic respect and maturity and I ask for the same in return.


  • DRP/MRP: I'm fine with darker themes in RP, just discuss with me first! Heavy plot is the spice of life, but brainwashing my character without asking first is a bit of a dick move.

  • Walk-Ups: I'm always down for a scene, especially if I have the RP tag on. If I'm on this character, it means I'm here for roleplay so feel free to engage me whenever! If I happen to be involved in another scene, I will tell you OOC.

  • Lore: Please stick to canon-established concepts. I'm always down to integrate some common fanon or gray-area concepts, but if you're a neon pink hentai monster, I'm going to pretend you don't exist.


  • No ERP: I'm not down to fuck or do anything sexual. If that's all you want, move on.

  • No Romance: I'm equally not down to have any sort of romantic relationship. Flirting is fine, but I'm not interested in anything beyond.

  • No Minors: I'm personally not comfortable roleplaying with any character whose player is a minor. I am personally a legal adult, and will provide my age upon request if asked by my partner.

  • No Drama: I don't care what your life is like outside of our roleplay so don't drag me into any of your business. I'm not interested in any of your beef, personal problems or relationships and will not be including you in mine.

Ask if you have questions for anything unlisted.
I will answer.

Can You Tell Me Where I Am

Alfynette Triuesal

Expatriate of Ishgard

Photo credit goes to Aris.

wan·der·lust (n): a strong desire to travel

I Don't Know How I Got Here But I Think I'm Starting To Understand

Here's all the generic information about Alfynette. I provide this only for your OOC benefit, to understand more about my character should you need it to roleplay with me. However, please avoid metagaming- none of this knowledge is available to you unless we interact IC and it comes up. Here is also your standard disclaimer that IC is not OOC and how my character thinks, acts and does has no reflection on who I am as a person.

  • Name: Alfynette Triuesal

  • Nicknames: Alfy (familiar acquaintances); Nettie (close friends)

  • Birthplace: Ishgard

  • Brithdate: 18th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon

  • Guardian: Oschon the Wanderer

  • Age: 25+

  • Race: Elezen (Wildwood)

  • Gender: Female

  • Sexuality: Asexual (for now)

  • Hair: Red

  • Eyes: Bright green

  • Appearance: Clasps on both ears; mole under left eye; stands with crossed arms

  • Current Residence: Limsa Lominsa

  • Current Occupation: Bartender

  • Class: Machinist

  • Alignment: Chaotic Good

Born in the bedraggled alleys of the Brume, Alfynette worked as a barmaid at the Forgotten Knight, keeping her head down and getting by without incurring the ire of the Holy See. After the events of the Dragonsong War, Alfynette left Ishgard once its holy (and in her honest opinion, rather elitist) gates opened up to the world.

Hitching a ride on the first available airship with only a worn rucksack on her back, she made her way into greater Eorzea. She found herself in Limsa Lominsa, the bustling port city known for it's vast trade and travel.

Where she plans to go next is yet to be seen.

Ask if you have questions for anything unlisted.
I may answer.

Bertana Coldren

Product of Inexperience

Proper updated photo coming soon!

prej·u·dice (n): preconceived opinion without actual experience

I Don't Belong Among the Angels

Here's all the generic information about Bertana. I provide this only for your OOC benefit, to understand more about my character should you need it to roleplay with me. However, please avoid metagaming- none of this knowledge is available to you unless we interact IC and it comes up. Here is also your standard disclaimer that IC is not OOC and how my character thinks, acts and does has no reflection on who I am as a person.

  • Name: Bertana Coldren

  • Nicknames: Tana (friends); Bettie (parents)

  • Birthplace: Sharlayan

  • Brithdate: 30th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon

  • Guardian: Nymeia the Spinner

  • Age: 20+

  • Race: Hyur (Midlander)

  • Gender: Female

  • Sexuality: Straight

  • Hair: Red

  • Eyes: Pale Blue

  • Appearance: Mole under bottom lip; hair pulled up, stands with crossed arms

  • Current Residence: Ul'dah

  • Current Occupation: Adventurer

  • Class: Marauder | Gladiator

  • Alignment: Lawful Good

Born to a wealthy and long-established family in the worldly disconnected Sharlayan, Bertana grew up privileged and objectively spoiled (though she doesn't see it in herself). As a young woman, she was raised demure and well-mannered, but contained a spirit and curiosity beyond the station her mother had planned for her life. Upon the eve of her adulthood, Bertana declared that she would forge her own path, believing herself to be destined for greater, and more exciting ventures than a domestic life.

Though she sees herself as "just another adventurer" she is oblivious to her own station, unable to see the position she holds as a wealthy child to a noble family, and groomed heir unsuited for battle or long travel. Her views of the world are very black and white, and the bigger picture is something she is either naively oblivious towards or obtusely ignorant of.

How she will fare travelling to greater Eorzea is yet to be seen.

Ask if you have questions for anything unlisted.
I may answer.

Shishika Shika

Oracle of Aether

Proper updated photo coming soon!

neu·tral·i·ty (n): absence of decided views or strong expression

And That's Just Fine With Me

Here's all the generic information about Shishika. I provide this only for your OOC benefit, to understand more about my character should you need it to roleplay with me. However, please avoid metagaming- none of this knowledge is available to you unless we interact IC and it comes up. Here is also your standard disclaimer that IC is not OOC and how my character thinks, acts and does has no reflection on who I am as a person.

  • Name: Shishika Shika

  • Nicknames: N/A

  • Birthplace: Thavnair

  • Brithdate: 8th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

  • Guardian: Llymlean the Navigator

  • Age: N/A

  • Race: Lalafell (Dunesfolk)

  • Gender: Female

  • Sexuality: N/A

  • Hair: Green with highlights

  • Eyes: Glassy white

  • Appearance: Aether crystal bindi on her forehead

  • Current Residence: Ul'dah

  • Current Occupation: Fortune-Teller

  • Class: Scholar | Summoner

  • Alignment: True Neutral

For unknown reasons, Shishika is physically blind (whether by birth or trauma), but she makes use of aether to "see" in a manner similar to the Archon Y'shtola. She is sensitive to aether, and understands the world through its currents and manifestations in people.

Her connection to the aetherial sea is timeless, which allows her to glimpse the past, present and future, an ability that few know about, and played a major role in her worldview and outlook of people and society.

What she chooses to do with her power has yet to be seen.

Ask if you have questions for anything unlisted.
I may answer.

The Fraying Noose Pub

Diabolos (The Goblet): Ward 6 · Plot 45

Currently Not Open For Business